What kind of collective action projects are you looking for?

The Collective Action for Re-Imagining program will support collaborations, partnerships or networks comprised of three or more 501c3 arts organizations, artist-driven projects, and/or unincorporated arts collectives of any budget size are eligible to apply. Managed by New Sun Rising (NSR), this program seeks ideas that employ new and innovative ways of working together to address the dramatic shifts that have been instigated by the COVID-19 crisis, and that also address opportunities and solutions to reposition the sector for a more sustainable and equitable future. The program will be responsive to those projects that the arts sector believes are the most creative and effective ways to respond to the COVID-19 crisis. See the complete Fund Guidelines for additional information. For example program areas, refer below:

  • COLLECTIVE ACTION: Programs that utilize collective action to strengthen the sector including those proposals that employ collaboration, shared functions, restructuring, changes in business models, operating systems, program realignment, partnerships, and other needs you identify as necessary for sustaining a strong, healthy, and equitable arts ecology over the long-term. Long-term restructuring overall is a goal, but some shorter term projects may lead to the development of long-term changes, expanded relationships, and inclusion of other groups and collectives not typically able to access funding pools.
  • JOINT COMMUNICATION: This includes activities such as information about the effect of the pandemic on artists and cultural organizations, and the importance of the arts in society, especially during a time of crisis. Supported projects can include broadly focused community-wide campaigns, and smaller micro-focused campaigns targeted toward a community or neighborhood, specific to an art form, or constituent group with specific messaging of importance to them.
  • DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION: Proposals that address issues of diversity, equity and inclusion, and help counteract overt and institutional racism.
  • POLICY AND ADVOCACY TO STRENGTHEN THE SECTOR: This includes actions that arts supporters can take to maintain the sector during and after the crisis including solutions that promote a healthy, robust re-emergence of the arts sector in the near term, and options to enhance the sector’s access to public resources now, and its overall strength in the future.
  • WORKFORCE NEEDS: Addressing long-term and systemic solutions to workforce needs are of interest. The pandemic has exposed weaknesses in the way the arts and culture systems support its workforce, and these workers have been particularly hard hit and are under pressure – many are low-wage workers, are part of the “gig” economy, lack health insurance and access to mental health resources and other support systems.